Wednesday, April 28, 2010

ein Monat

Yup. One month left.

Class is still interesting, although I still feel like I've been far too lazy in the last few weeks. I think it's because I had to think about rooming and classes for next year, which resulted in my brain jumping ahead and thinking about things like how cool my classes will be, that I'm excited for my apartment, I need to find some good recipes, maybe we can do some more community cooking so that I don't have to eat the same dinner all week, I really want to pick up my Greek and Latin again, how will I juggle all three languages this summer and while at school, it would be cool to learn Old English, what should I really do when I graduate, I need to find a summer job, how should I decorate my floor next year...

Needless to say, I got a bit distracted. I think I'm finally getting back on track.

This week we've been talking about a favorite topic of mine. Yup, gender roles. Actually the theme somehow revolves around Men and Women, but in the end it all ties into gender roles. It certainly makes for an interesting conversation when you have a German teacher and students from the Middle East, Africa, Central America, and Southeast Asia (and East Asia? I don't think that China really counts as SE Asia, since it borders Siberia, but perhaps there is a cultural/sphere of influence tie. Wikipedia tells me depends on who you talk to).

I learned something rather exciting today: Pocket change makes for a cool percussion instrument when you play uke.

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